Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving Travel Review

November 25, 2010 I arrived at the Manchester-Boston International airport to make my way to Louisa, VA.  I made sure to get there early after all the commotion about the long lines and new security technology that has been the topic of many news channels.  I got out of the car; I got my luggage and headed towards the Southwest outdoor check in. With no lines, I forced my license to the man waiting behind the counter. He glanced at my ID and handed it back, along with my boarding pass.
                After the man added my luggage to the pile already in the cart, I rushed inside to security only to find no one in line. It was Thanksgiving Day, after all. I walked to the first TSA (Transportation Security Administration) agent and gave her my ID and boarding pass. She looked at the license then back at me and once more at my license to verify that it was legitimate. Once my ID was approved, I approached the conveyor to put my jacket, phone, wallet and shoes through the scanner.
                After I pushed my belongings into the scanner, I walked through the metal detector and overheard two of the TSA agents whispering to each other. I looked around and noticed four agents looking at me. At this moment I knew they were going to search me. One of the agents walked up to me and said “We need to check your shirt collar, that’s all,” and yelled for a woman to come search me. She came over and gave the collar to my sweater three pat downs and sent me on my way. I grabbed my shoes and waited at my gate to board the plane.
                Surprisingly enough, the airport was empty and easy to get through. I enjoy Manchester airport for that exact reason; even on the busiest days, they move individuals to where they need to be. Most of the staff I saw were happy to help and anxious to move traffic along. The TSA agents were respectful in asking for a female agent to search me; however, if I were a real terrorist, they did an exceedingly poor job searching. Three pokes at my shirt will not find you anything. The TSA agents need to be thorough in their searches, not necessarily in a “groping” manner, but enough to get the task done effectively.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Too Much Information Assignment

Is the Internet Color Blind?
By: Courtney D. Marshall

                Courtney D. Marshall, PH.D, does an excellent job of raising awareness about how our society uses the Internet in more of a positive way than a negative one. She begins by discussing Pedro Zamora, a member of The Real World: San Francisco, fight with HIV/AIDS and how it affected the MTV nation. Bill Clinton suggested that even though Zamora passed away at the young age of twenty-two, he gave us an insight to people living with the devastating virus. Zamora’s story had Marshall questioning the media’s affect on the world, especially the American public in terms of identity. “Does having an abundance of information about race, gender and sexuality change the decisions we make about their importance” (Marshall 20)? As the paper continues, Marshall answers yes to the previous question. She says, “When we’re online, we don’t see color, gender, sexuality, or other identities” (Marshall 20). She believes the Internet has the ability to make us feel connected to the people within cyberspace regardless of their social identity—and I agree. I cannot remember a time when I’ve read something online and thought twice about what their race, gender or sexuality is. The Internet is a powerful medium and Marshall hopes that it will enhance and strengthen communities all over for the better.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Stephen King's On Writing is a great read. I enjoyed his writing because he is very honest with his readers. I liked that Kings insists on being creative and not always following the "high-school-text-book" style of writing, like one word sentences. I really enjoyed his sense of humor throughout the book as well. It was nice to see a humorous side of King instead of the dark and mysterious side. I would love to read another one of King's books soon.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

News Release


For immediate release:                                                                  Contact:
October 17, 2010                                                                        Camille Quarles
After a year of test trials, Ever After’s online dating service is kicking off its grand opening with a free speed dating event

Tired of spending Valentine's Day alone? At Ever After, we have the perfect solution for you! On February 14, meet your match at the Ever After -Speed Date Event. It will be hosted at Smith and Sons Restaurant in Boston to promote the new online dating website.

Ever After is a new online dating service that allows people of all ages to meet that special someone. Ever After matches people of similar interests, whether that is in goals, activities or values. Ever After is the first online dating services to have professional psychologists determine the individuals with the most compatibility. Ever After is a certified company and VeriSign Trusted website.

Amanda Zimberg, age 34, says, “Ever After is the first online dating service I can finally trust. I feel like the professionals really put my needs first and they’re dedicated to their clients. I’m glad I registered with Ever After and I can’t wait to meet the man of my dreams”

Timothy Grey, age 40, says, “I was thrilled that Ever After picked me for the test trial. I am about to go on my third date with a woman I met through Ever After’s services. Ever After is fun and easy and set me up on a date within ten days.”

Terry Walkins, age 29 says, “Ever After is safe, reliable and cool dating service. I wouldn’t sign up with any other site. Everyone should try it!”

Ever After -Speed Date Event will take place on February 14, 2011 at Smith and Sons Restaurant off of I-93 in Boston. The event will begin at 8pm to celebrate the launch on the new website and the speed date will start at 8:30 respectively. It will be a great night filled with food, drinks, single people and it’s all free. See you there!

For more information or directions please call Camille at 617-555-2138 or visit our website at www.everafter/meet/your/

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ever After Dating Service

Tired of spending Valentine's Day alone? At Ever After, we have the perfect solution for you! On February 14, come and meet your match at the Ever After-Speed Date Event. It will be a great night filled with food, drinks and many single people.

Ever After is a new online dating service that allows people of all ages to meet that special someone. Ever After matches people of similar interests, whether that is in goals, activities or values. Ever After is the first online dating service to have professional psychologists determine the individuals with the most compatibility. Ever After is a certified company and VeriSign Trusted website.

Ever After-Speed Date Event will take place on February 14, 2011 at Smith and Sons Restaurant off of I-93 in Boston at 8pm. Directions are located on our website www.everafter/meet/your/

See you there!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Littleton Bay

Not a day will ever go by without me thinking about it. That night was so cold. The sky was clear and filled with stars. All that was seen was the beautiful night sky with the moon on the horizon and my breath that could fog up a mirror. Littleton Bay Beach was my sanctuary. It was perfect, quiet, and a place where I could be at peace. Well, not anymore.

I was sitting, curled up in a ball with a green fleece blanket wrapped around me, just staring at the waves coming in. With my watch about to strike twelve AM, I heard the faint rumbling sound in the shrubs behind me. Thinking it was only the wind, I ignored it and resumed with my meditation. Suddenly, the rumbling became muffled dialogue. I turned my head around to see no one within the distance, but I knew I wasn’t alone.

I stood up slowly with my blanket still wrapped around me and moved closer to the bushes to get a better listen of what I thought I heard. As I moved closer, I could see three men on the bike path in front of the Littleton Bay Beach sign. I was relieved at first, knowing I wasn’t making up voices in my head until two of the men pulled out dark guns and pointed it at the third and shot him.

I fell to the ground and threw my hands over my mouth in devastation. I felt like I went into shock. My entire body went numb and I was sick to my stomach. There appeared to be a cloud over my head, but rather it was my visible breath from hyperventilating.

Once I could contain my emotions I peeked over the bushes in the hopes that the men were gone. Unfortunately, they were still there. As one of the men ended a phone call the other started dragging the dead body towards the beach. I forced myself through the hedges and threw my blanket over my head. I couldn’t stop shaking and I was too afraid to look up.

After five lingering minutes I glanced out to see no one around. It was so cold, so quiet and my chattering teeth sounded like cannons in my head. I crawled out of the bushes as tears fell from my eyes. Kneeling in disbelief, I kept asking myself what had just happened. Who were those men and what was their reason for killing?

I picked myself up and ran all the way home. My parents left the porch light on for me. I walked inside and locked the door. I trudged up the stairs, into my room and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked awful—cuts all over my arms and legs from the bushes. Miserable and mentally weary, I wrapped my green fleece blanket around me, sat on my bed, pulled my pillow in tight and shut my eyes.

Art by: Lisa Rae Winant