Monday, September 6, 2010


As we all know, the internet is quickly becoming customary in our culture. Let’s face it, we know what we want and we want it fast! The internet helps us find what we’re looking for within a blink of an eye; generally. But with all things good and mighty with unlimited knowledge it can one, be overwhelming and two, be too much.
Websites such as Google, Youtube, and Facebook have revolutionized the way we live, work, and play, but often times leave us with TMI (Too Much Information). For instance, when typing the words “green fish” into a Google search brings up approximately 152,000,000 results in 0.21 seconds. Not only is 152 million an absurd amount of results, but who would have the time to look through it all? Green fish aren’t that cool. The crazier part is that when I scroll down to the bottom of the page it gives me eight more searches that relate to the original search. How do these eight searches not relate to the 152 million results from the first search? I don’t get it. And on top of that, each of the eight related searches has its own results in the millions.

When you take the time and think about how much useless and exaggerated information we come across day to day it’s mind-boggling. What information do you concern yourself with each day? Is it helpful or is it just too much?


  1. I completely agree with you! I've tried searching google by entering key words for assignments thinking, great i'll get a few websites for a few ideas, but nope! Instead, I get over 50 million ideas, which just ends up confusing me even more! I think it's helpful and too much at the same time, we need to find a happy medium. Good post! :)

  2. I feel the same way. The thing i hate is when i go to google search and say i want to fing a resturant or song, sometimes it brings me to a porn sight? haha. the other thing i hate when I am doing research for a paper i click on a link and it has more information attached to another link but then when i go back i can find the information i needed in the first place.

  3. The line between helpful information and too much is all too easy to cross. In my blog post I wrote about how sometimes checking out the latest news story online leads to an hour of complete distraction. Even if I know exactly what I'm looking for, I often get sidetracked by something else that's out there.

  4. I am gonna have to agree with you. Google searches are overwhelming! On the other end...its pretty sweet when you have no idea about a topic and have the ability to simply "google it".

  5. This is a great point - I often times think of TMI as over sharing, but the internet just offers too much information in general and it can be so overwhelming. Has anyone seen the new search site It's even worse than Google - rather than giving websites that you're searching for it just gives suggestions of what you might be looking for. I think that's the epitome of TMI!

  6. I expressed something very similar in my post and the frustration I have when my searches take me all over the place. Thousands of "results" will be listed yet each article will also have weblinks and suggestions for my search, many that are irrelvant to my particular search.

    If I typed in spider web, a spiderman website would be available, lyrics to a No Doubt song will pop up and then there will be several other websites to all different types of spiders around the world.

    Search engines are a very useful commodity but slightly overwhelming

  7. I completely agree. Google searches seem not to relate to what is searched after the first ten or so links. It is also really creepy how Google saves every search you have ever entered, and on top of that they use and sell that information for the advertisements on the sidebars.

  8. I completely agree! It is amazing how much uneeded, excess information we receive when searching for something as simple as "green fish"! I often find myself overwhelmed when trying to perform simple tasks such as looking up movie times or checking the weather. I agree that search engines such as google are filled with TMI!

  9. That is a ridiculous amount of results, especially for something as simple as green fish. I get frustrated when I try to research a topic online and get results for information that has nothing to do with what I am looking for.
